Special Exhibition
13 March – 13 July 2001

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Arnold Schönberg's death, the fifth special exhibition at the Arnold Schönberg Center will be dedicated to the composer's compositional, theoretical and pedagogical influence in America from 1933 to 1951. The special exhibition "Arnold Schönberg in America" will show original manuscripts, among them the autographs of the "Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte," and "A Survivor from Warsaw," biographical documents and memorabilia from Schönberg's legacy, such as his polemic with Thomas Mann concerning "Doctor Faustus." These documents not only provide insight into Schönberg's artistic world but also highlight his connections to the émigré community in Los Angeles. A cross-section of the artistic works which originated in America, as well as pictures and musical selections, will provide an overview of Schönberg's American period, documenting his exile and the reflections of a politically engaged artist.