V068: Fourth Annual FASI (Friends of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute)
Membership Party

Non-commercial, VHS (NTSC), color (10 June 1989), 82:40.

Time Description
0:00 Titles. Honorary lifetime memberships presented to Nicolas Slonimsky and Mel Powell.
1:20 Photos of Schoenberg in tennis gear, military uniform
1:55 Anne and Larry Schoenberg, Leonard Stein, Heidi Lesemann, other party guests in garden of Rockingham home
3:40 Photos of Schoenberg with Kolisch quartet, Schoenberg with students, set up around the yard
5:25 Judith Rosen begins the proceedings, asks the guests to take their seats. Rosen thanks the guests for coming and the Friends of the ASI for their continued support.
8:50 Larry Livingston, Dean of USC School of Music, addresses the guests. Rosen introduces Leonard Stein.
11:30 Stein addresses the guests. Rosen, outgoing President of the FASI, gives the microphone to Lucretia Claren, who reads the new slate of officers: Gerald Turbow, President; Andrew Schwarz, Vice-President/Fundraising; Dorothy Crawford, Vice-President/Academic Programs; Eviva Ellis Nemer, Recording Secretary; John Yoell, Corresponding Secretary; William Adler, Treasurer.
18:00 Gerald Turbow addresses the guests. He presents a certificate of appreciation to Rosen honoring her tenure as President of the Friends.
21:55 Vice-President Andrew Schwarz presents Rosen with a stick-pin with the ASI logo.
23:30 Rosen introduces David Raksin, who introduces Slonimsky.
28:10 Slonimsky takes the microphone and introduces Raksin in turn.
34:20 Rosen presents Slonimsky with a membership pin. She introduces Nicolas England, who introduces Mel Powell.
42:46 Powell addresses the guests.
52:30 Powell concludes his remarks. Rosen presents the honorees with certificates of lifetime membership, and Richard Fish presents them with one of his photos of Schoenberg.
58:30 Rosen concludes her remarks and the party continues. Video records conversations between Rosen and Nuria Schoenberg Nono, Ron Hunt and Larry Schoenberg, Rick Lesemann, Ralph Grierson, among other guests' comments.