V057: "Warsaw: September 1, 1939"

Non-commercial, color (1989), 90:00.

VHS (PAL), recording begins with A Survivor from Warsaw (26:00) with Dutch subtitles, then begins again with English subtitles. Tape also includes a Dutch news broadcast and Vienna: End of an Era: The New Music (V065), in Dutch. (Gift of Henk Guittart)Executive producers: Nikolaus H. Kloiber, Harry J. Kraut, Dennis Marks, Janusz Pietkeiwicz
Producer: Barbara Pietkiewicz
Director: Humphrey Burton

Further credits below.

Time Description
0:00 Newscaster introduces the story by describing the invasion of Hitler into Warsaw 50 years ago. Leonard Bernstein, Liv Ullman, Lukas Foss and others gathered in Warsaw for a benefit concert for UNICEF.
2:40 Program begins with an address by Bernstein. He reads from the poem by W.H. Auden, "September 1, 1939."
5:10 Concert in the Warsaw Grand Opera Theater begins with the Polish National Anthem, conducted by Robert Satanowski.
6:30 Address by Samuel Pisar, a Polish survivor of Auschwitz
7:25 Pisar continues to narrate over footage of Nazi invasions throughout Europe
8:35 Concert continues with a performance of "Ravelge" from Mahler's Des Knaben Wunderhorn, sung by baritone Hermann Prey and conducted by Lukas Foss
15:40 Pisar's narration returns, along with footage of the Blitzkrieg in Poland.
17:10 Performance of the "Lacrimosa" from Krzysztof Penderecki's Polish Requiem, sung by soprano Barbara Hendricks and conducted by Penderecki
22:10 Pisar describes Soviet occupation and the Nazi assault on Russian Poland in 1941, accomapanied by footage. Pisar recounts his family's emigration.
26:00 Performance of Schoenberg's A Survivor from Warsaw, narrated by Liv Ullmann and conducted by Lukas Foss
33:35 Pisar describes the ghetto experience and his family's deportation. He was separated from his mother and sister. At his arrival in Auschwitz he was greeted by a symphony of Jewish musicians, forced to play Mozart, Beethoven, etc.
37:05 Bernstein conducts Beethoven's Leonora Overture No. 3
51:30 Pisar discusses the Warsaw uprising, 1944. He describes his escape from the camp and eventual liberation by the Allies.
54:00 Performance of Chopin's Polonaise in A-flat Minor by pianist Marek Drewnowski
1:01:30 Pisar makes closing remarks. He concludes with the Auden poem with which Bernstein began the program.
1:03:00 Bernstein conducts his Chichester Psalms, with the Poznan Philharmonic Chorus, the Tolz Boys Choir, and boy soprano Markus Baur
1:23:00 Applause, bows, credits
1:29:20 Newscaster makes closing comments


Leonard Bernstein
Lukas Foss
Krzysztof Penderecki

Narrated by Samuel Pisar

Marek Drewnowski
Barbara Hendricks
Hermann Prey
Liv Ullmann

Chichester Psalms
Tolz Boys Choir
Solisci Toelzer Knabenchor
Markus Bauer, Soprano
Markus Durst, Soprano
Stefan Beckerbauer, Soprano
Philipp Cieslewicz, Alto
Piotr Kusiewicz, Tenor
Piotr Nowacki, Bass

Warsaw National Philharmonic Choir
Chor Filharmonii Narodowej
Poznan Philharmonic Choir
Chlopiecy i Meski Chor Filharmonii Poznanskiej
Chorus Master, Stefan Stuligrosz

Polish Radio National Symphony Orchestra

Wielka Orkiestra Symfoniczna Pritv w Katowicach
A coproduction by Poltel, BBC, ORF, Video Music Productions, Unitel