V016: Traum und Wirklichkeit: Wien 1870-1930

Vienna: SHB Medienzentrum, 1985. VHS (PAL) color, 30:00.

Production of: ORF Landesstudio Wien
Producers: Hermann Sternath, Walter M. Kienreich
Narrator: Karl Heinz Hackl


Time Visual Music
0:00 Opening Credits: Panorama of Vienna. Mahler's "Blumine" (from Symphony no. 1)
0:32 "Wien: 1870-1930": exterior, Otto Wagner Bahnhof, exhibit entrance.  
0:55 "Ausstellung des Historischen Museums der Stadt Wien im Künstlerhaus, Wien 1985": another exterior.  
1:05 Interior, mirrors and chandeliers, Vienna State Opera; costumed mannequins in Renaissance dress on stairs. Brass fanfare
1:56 Close-up, Renaissance costumed mannequins.  
2:06 Close-up, painting of procession.  
2:13 Narration in German begins: "Wien, im April 1879": tells story of costumed procession of 14,000 given in honor of the Kaiser's marriage. Hans Makart did a series of paintings recording the event; one or more of said paintings being shown in the background.  
2:54 Return to shot of costumed mannequins on the staircase at the Vienna State Opera.  
3:00 Narration mentions Otto Wagner, who took part in the preparations for the parade. Change to view of double-eagle crest hanging above model of Wagner's Kirche am Steinhof.  
3:23 View of model changes to view of real church; close-ups of exterior ornaments, staircase, dome, statue. Church built 1904-1907. Narration describes church.  
4:23 View of interior of church. Mahler's 1st Symphony (opening)
04:36 Close-up of model of church in exhibit hall.  
04:59 Return to view of real building.  
05:09 Change to view of Österreichische Postsparkasse building designed by Otto Wagner: functionality and aethetics, built about the same time as the church.  
05:39 View of buildings surrounding Postsparkasse: former War Ministry façade.  
06:00     View of design sketches for Postsparkasse, then its marble façade, with false nail-holes in it.  
06:09 View of model and design drawings of Postsparkasse. Berg's Violin Concerto
06:44 Views of interior and exterior of real building.  
07:23 Views of reconstructed portal for Otto Wagner's "Die Zeit" building.  
07:35 View of design sketch by Wagner that was never realized.  
07:54 1909 Portrait of Adolf Loos by Oskar Kokoschka.  
08:13 Poster of façade of Adolf Loos Haus am Michaelerplatz for Goldman & Salatsch; change to exterior of actual building, designs of interior, photos of workers at work. Change to view of the façade of the entrance to the Hofburg on the other side of the Michaelerplatz. Narration describes features of building. Berg's Violin Concerto (opening)
09:30 Return to poster announcing Loos's lecture, "Mein Haus am Michaelerplatz", and model of structure. Mahler's 1st Symphony (opening)
10:03 Josef Hofmann, Villa Primavesi in Hietzing, built 1913-1915. Narration describes features of building. Views of exterior. Views of model of building.  
11:08 Move to exhibit hall containing various objects d'art from the Wiener Werkstätte, founded by Josef Hofmann, Kolo Moser, and Fritz Werndorfer in 1903. View of logo of Wiener Werkstätte. Close-ups of various objects. Music changes to waltz from unknown clarinet concerto playing in the background. Narration mentions that Hofmann and Moser, and later Dagobert Peche, were important figures for this movement. Unidentified waltz (Violin arr.)
13:16 Postcards, Wiener Werkstätte, Oskar Kokoschka. Also illustrations from Kokoschka's Der Träumende Knabe. Strauss's Rosenkavalier waltz (chamber arr.)
13:54 More objects d'art. Rosenkavalier waltz cont'd
15:27 Pictures of Exhibit of Max Klinger's Beethoven, organized by Gustav Klimt. Camera pans away in order to view Klimt mural from afar. Beethoven's 9th Symphony (Adagio)
16:25 Close-ups of Klimt mural for Beethoven exhibit. Switch to sketches of mural.  
17:47 Close-ups of various paintings by Gustav Klimt. Mahler's 1st Symphony (transition and lyrical theme from last movment)
21:07 Close-ups of paintings and drawings by Egon Schiele. Narration notes that Schiele died when he was 28. Mahler's 9th Symphony (1st movement)
23:02 Close-ups of paintings by Oskar Kokoschka. Narration says that public did not like Kokoschka's art. Mahler's 9th cont'd
24:12 View of wall of paintings by Arnold Schönberg. Close-ups of Richard Gerstl's portrait of Schönberg (1905). Narration talks about relationship between Gerstl and Schönberg. Change to views of Gerstl's self-portrait.  
25:04 Close-ups of Schönberg's Paintings. Narration about Schönberg's painting.  
25:29 Close-up of  "Die Namenlosen" (1914) by Albin Egger Lienz. View of soldier's uniform in display case. unidentified music
26:16 Picture of WWI corpse. Narration: 10 million died, 19 million wounded or maimed. Change to view of title page of play by Karl Kraus, Die letzten Tage der Menschheit.  
26:34 Narration: "Wien nach dem Weltkrieg." View of sculptures and paintings in exhibit hall. unidentified music
26:49 Views of photographs of new communal buildings in Vienna, c. 1919-1933. Narration describes new style of building after the war. Views of exterior of Karl-Marx-Hof. Changes to model of Karl-Marx-Hof. Mahler's 2nd Symphony ("Resurrection music" (5th? mvmt.))
28:51 Return to shot of exhibit entrance.  
29:03 Return to opening panorama of Vienna, and titles: "Traum und Wirklichkeit: Wien, 1870-1930." Closing credits.