V015: "Arnold Schoenberg: una mostra da ascoltare"

Non-commercial, VHS (PAL), in Italian and English (1997), 22:10.

Broadcast on Omega TV (Rome, Italy)
Produced by Giovanni Gavazzeni
With Amerigo Daveri and Piero Maranghi

Time Description
0:00 Station identification
0:15 Gurre-Lieder opening plays in background; titles: "Arnold Schoenberg, 1874-1951, "una mostra da ascoltare"; footage of Schoenberg conducting
0:50 Photos of Schoenberg; op. 16 then Verklärte Nacht plays in background; narrator describes his career and life in various places
1:35 Nuria Schoenberg Nono describes her father's career and the exhibit that she and her brother Lawrence have prepared. Footage of Schoenberg and the Kolisch quartet, then more photos of Schoenberg and his own self-portraits, accompany her comments. More footage of the films in the multi-media exhibit and of the exhibition space itself is shown.
4:15 Narrator resumes a description of Schoenberg’s career, hobbies, and compositions. She describes Schoenberg's painting activities and the Viennese artistic milieu in which he worked.
5:45 Voice recording of Schoenberg commenting on his artistic activities (in English).
6:30 Narrator resumes discussion of Schoenberg's musical works.
7:05 Interview with Roman Vlad.
7:35 Narrator describes premiere of Gurre-Lieder and other performances early in Schoenberg's career.
8:25 Performance of Pierrot lunaire (excerpt).
8:50 Nuria Schoenberg Nono and Vlad discuss Schoenberg's connections to Italy (performance of Pierrot lunaire, 1912; student Alfredo Cassella).
10:00     12-tone compositions are discussed; more footage of Schoenberg conducting
10:35 Vlad continues commentary of Schoenberg's 12-tone method.
11:55 Narrator discusses Schoenberg's later works, including Jakobsleiter, Variations for Orchestra, and his relationships to various contemporaries.
13:50 Nuria Schoenberg Nono continues her commentary on her father's life.
14:55 Narrator turns attention to his operas: Erwartung, Die glückliche Hand, Von heute auf morgen, Moses und Aron.
17:00 Nuria Schoenberg Nono discusses her father's teaching activities and influence on various students.
19:15 Narrator discusses Schoenberg's return to Judaism and his A Survivor from Warsaw.
20:00 Vlad and Nuria make concluding comments.
21:45 Credits.
22:10 End