V003: Voices (cont'd.); Pierrot lunaire (Pousseur); Pierrot lunaire (Sukowa)

Non-commercial, VHS (PAL), color (1984-1988), in German, 3:04:40. (Gift of Henk Guittart)

0:00Musicians of the Schönberg Ensemble return to the stage for the final song in Hans Werner Henze's Voices
10:35End of performance
10:50Pierrot lunaire performance (Brussels, 1988), with vocalist Marianne Pousseur, described in V001
Applause and bows
1:25:35Another performance of Pierrot lunaire (Amsterdam, 7 June 1984), with the Schönberg Ensemble, directed by Reinbert de Leeuw, and vocalist Barbara Sukowa
2:00:30End of performance, applause.
2:04:10Another performance of Pierrot lunaire with the Schönberg Ensemble and Barbara Sukowa. Performance described in V010.
2:39:05End of performance, applause.
2:42:30Performers take their seats for another performance of Pierrot.
3:04:40End of tape (recording of performance is incomplete).