© Arnold Schönberg Center
Final Concert of the 5th Workshop for young composers (12 – 18 years)
Arnold Schönberg Center
Sunday, 21 January 2024
11.00 am
© Arnold Schönberg Center

Wolfgang Zuser flute
Stefan Neubauer clarinet
Reinhard Zmölnig horn
Eunhye Kim piano
Johannes Fleischmann violin
Yoanna Ruseva violin
Marta Potulska viola
Luis Zorita violoncello
Helmut Schmidinger Head of the composition workshop, presentation

Annabel BLASCHKE Innen (WP)
Jannis BLUUM Eine unbemannte Mission (WP)
Bianca GRIGORE Mirror of Before (WP)
Moritz HOFFMEYER Lupin (WP)
August HÜBNER Tanz des diabolischen Nerzes (WP)
Johann Jakob RAHMSTORF Änderung willkommen (WP)
Johannes WIEDENHOFER Reducio (WP)
Arnold SCHÖNBERG Drei Klavierstücke (1894)

Free admission | Online reservation

This concert presents the premieres of those works that originated in connection with the composers’ workshop. Seven young composers worked in dialog with one another and with the musicians in group and individual phases of work in order to explore their own musical language while subjecting the music to a process of reformulating, shortening, supplementing, and discarding. As always at premieres, we do not know what awaits the audience – but that just makes it all the more exciting. Come and experience the moment when this young music first sees the light of day.