On the occasion of Arnold Schönberg’s 150th birthday in 2024, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport accepts applications for a total of three anniversary scholarships for music composition for the year 2023.

Part of the scholarship includes the composition of a work for string quartet with a duration of approximately 12 minutes.

The three scholarships are awarded on the recommendation of an independent jury to individuals who have completed a degree in music or have been working continuously as full-time musicians for many years. The jury will base the evaluation on the following criteria: compositional ability, stylistic originality, the potential for innovation, outstanding quality of previous artistic achievements, and the performability and reception value of the work. Natural persons who are Austrian citizens or have a residence in Austria are eligible to participate. Each scholarship consists of EUR 1,500.00 per month for a total of three months.

The funded compositions should be made available to the Arnold Schönberg Center by December 2023 at the latest, as they are scheduled to be premiered during the anniversary events in 2024. The selected scholarship recipients agree to make available for a one-time performance their work for the string quartet with a duration of approx. 12 minutes, created within the framework of the scholarship, without receiving additional payment.

Complete application materials should be emailed to the following address no later than April 15, 2023: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The email must be received by that deadline. The application letter must be marked with the subject “Arnold Schönberg Composition Scholarship 2023”.

The complete application materials include:

  1. completed general funding application form with name, address, telephone number, date of birth, and bank details: Link
  • signature with mobile signature/citizen card https://www.handy-signatur.at/
  • or postal delivery of the funding application form with an original handwritten signature.
  1. copy of the current registration form
  2. A clear description of the composition project
  3. CV with information on previous artistic or compositional activities
  4. Current list of works (or selection)
  5. Work samples: scores (PDF) or audio samples in the form of links to material available on the internet

Scholarship recipients are chosen by a qualified jury in a free evaluation. The participants will be informed of the jury’s decision in writing. Please note that there will be no verbal explanation of the jury’s decision. Submissions after the specified submission deadline and incomplete applications cannot be considered for a scholarship.

Acceptance of the scholarship, unless otherwise specified in the award, is accompanied by the obligation to submit to the relevant Ministry department a documented report on the work produced during the term of the scholarship and, if possible, copies of the work. This should be done no later than three months after the end of the scholarship.

Furthermore, it should be noted that – in the event that a scholarship is awarded – no further BMKÖS scholarships can be obtained during the same period. Persons who have already received a state scholarship for composition in 2023 are therefore excluded from applying.

Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport
Department IV/A/2 – Music and Performing Arts
Concordiaplatz 2, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Vienna, February 2023

GZ: 2023-0.128.556