When printing, the following copyright should be indicated: © Arnold Schönberg Center, Vienna. We request that you send us a copy of the printed product. Find a wide range of photos in the image archive. Photos and information to the current exhibition are located here.

When printing, the following copyright should be indicated: © Arnold Schönberg Center, Vienna. We request that you send us a copy of the printed product. Find a wide range of photos in the image archive. Photos and information to the current exhibition are located here.

1874 - 1911

Arnold Schönberg with his cousins Rudolf und Edmund Goldschmied and Malvina Goldschmied

Bad Vöslau (ca. 1884)

Quintet with Louis Savart, hornet, Fritz Kreisler, violin, Arnold Schönberg, cello, Eduard Gärtner, violin and Karl Redlich, flute

Payerbach (1900)

Arnold Schönberg

Berlin (1902)

Arnold Schönberg, in the background: Mathilde Schönberg

Wien (1907)

Arnold Schönberg

Wien (1911)

1912 - 1925

Arnold Schönberg with his children Gertrude and Georg

Berlin (1912)

Das »Pierrot lunaire«-Ensemble after the premiere of «Pierrot lunaire« op. 21 at the Berliner Choralionsaal: Karl Essberger, Emil Telmányi, Arnold Schönberg, Albertine Zehme, Eduard Steuermann, Hans Kindler and Hans W. de Vries. Berlin (16. Oktober 1912)
Josef Polnauer, Eduard Steuermann, Anton Webern, Paul Königer, Gertrude Schönberg, Marya Freund, Mathilde Schönberg, Heinrich Jalowetz, (?), Arnold Schönberg, (?), Emil Hertzka, Edward Clark with Georg Schönberg, Albertine Zehme, Erwin Stein, (?); Photographed after a performance of the »Gurre-Lieder«. Leipzig (1914)
Arnold Schönberg in uniform

Schönberg´s daughter Gertrud Greissle with her son »Bubi« Arnold, Arnold Schönberg and Felix Greissle

Traunkirchen (14. September 1923)

1926 - 1933

Anton Webern and Arnold Schönberg

Berlin (1927)

Schönberg with his Berlin master class: Josef Zmigrod, Walter Goehr, Walter Gronostay, Winfried Zillig, Erich Schmid, Josef Rufer and Adolph Weiss

Berlin (1926)

Arnold and Gertrud Schönberg with Foxterrier Witz

Roquebrune-Cap Martin (1928)

Wassily and Nina Kandinsky, Gertrud and Arnold Schönberg

Pörtschach (1927)

Oskar Kokoschka, Gertrud and Arnold Schönberg, Adolf Loos at the Bristol Bar

Berlin (1927)

1933 - 1951

Arnold Schönberg

Los Angeles (ca. 1935)

Arnold Schönberg´s hands

Los Angeles (1940)

Arnold Schönberg teaching

Los Angeles (1940er)

Portrait Arnold Schönberg

Los Angeles (1940er)

Arnold Schönberg, in front of his house in Brentwood Park

Los Angeles (1947)


Arnold Schönberg Center, Wien. View from Schwarzenbergplatz
Arnold Schönberg Center, Wien. Auditorium
Arnold Schönberg Center, Wien. Archive
Arnold Schönberg Center, Wien. Reconstruction of Schönberg´s last study in Los Angeles

Schönberg-House in Mödling

Arnold Schönberg in front of his house in Mödling, Bernhardgasse 6

(um 1920)

Schönberg-House Mödling
Schönberg-House Mödling
Schönberg-House Mödling