Adorno (Theodor Wiesengrund) collection (A1)
Agrupación Nueva Música (Buenos Aries) collection (A13)
Akademie der Künste (West Berlin) collection (A2)
Akademie der Künste der DDR (East Berlin) collection (A3)
AKM (Vienna) collection (A18)
Alderman (Pauline) collection (A4)
Alexander Autographs (Stamford/CT) (A16)
Alexander (William) collection (A5)
Alter (Georg) collection (A6)
American Jewish Archives (Cincinnati) collection (A7)
American Music Center (New York) collection (A8)
Arcadia Opera Shop (Vienna) collection (A11)
Arnold Schönberg Center (Vienna) collection (A17)
Arnold Schönberg Gesamtausgabe (Berlin) collection (A9)
Arnold Schoenberg Institute Friends (Los Angeles) collection (A10)
Arnott, Graeme (A15)
Auner (Joseph) collection (A14)
L'Autographe S.A. (Geneva) collection (A12)

Bampton (Rose) collection (B1)
Becker (Ernest F.) collection (B2)
Beethoven-Haus (Bonn) collection (B22)
Behrens (Bud) Collection (B21)
Belmont Music Publishers (Pacific Palisades, CA) coll. (B3)          
Berliner Sinfonie-Orchester collection (B4)
Berner (Lizzy) collection (B17)
Bernstein (Martin) collection (B5)
Berry (Wallace) collection (B6)
Bibliotheca Bodmeriana (Geneva) collection (B7)
Bibliotheque Musicale Gustav Mahler (Paris) collection (B16)
Birge (Bettine) collection (B8)
Bischof (Rainer) collection (B24)
Bloch (Max) collection (B9)
Blomster (Wesley) collection (B20)
Boelke-Bomart (Hillsdale) collection (B10)
Bogen (Nancy) collection (B23)
Bonhams (London) collection (B26)
Boston University collection (B11)
Bowling (Lance) collection (B12)
Brand (Juliane) collection (B13)
Brendel (Iris) collection (B19)
Brenner-Archiv (Innsbruck) collection (B18)
Brinkmann (Reinhold) collection (B14)
British Library (London) collection (B15)
BRG Vereinsgasse (Vienna) collection (B25)

California State University (Long Beach) collection (C1)
California State University (Los Angeles) collection (C2)
Cambridge University collection (C3)
Canino (Bruno) collection (C21)
Carter (Elliott) collection (C4)
Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland) collection (C5)
Center for Creative Photography (Tucson) collection (C6)
Chelli Autographs (Paris) collection (C22)
Chicago Symphony Orchestra collection (C7)
Christie's collection (C19)
Citroen (Hans) collection (C8)
City University of New York collection (C18)
Cleveland Institute of Music collection (C9)
Cohen (Elsa) collection (C10)
Columbia University (New York) collection (C11)
Cooke (Tom D.) collection (C12)
Coraly's collection (C20)
Cosman (Milein) collection (C17)
Crittenden (Camille) collection (C16)
Curtis (David) collection (C13)
Curtis Institute of Music (Philadelphia) collection (C14)
Cykler (Edmond A.) collection (C15)

Dallapiccola (Laura) collection (D1)
Daxner (Martin) collection (D14)
Delas (Jose Luis de) collection(D16)
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Frankfurt am Main (D15)
Deutsche Staatsbibliothek (East Berlin) collection (D2)
Deutsches Literaturarchiv (Marbach am Neckar) collection (D3)
Deutsches Rundfunk Archiv (Frankfurt) collection (D4)
DeVoto (Mark) collection (D13)
Diamond (David) collection (D5)
Dijk (Ina van) collection (D17)
Dobrowski (Cosima) collection (D11)
Donaueschingen Festival collection (D6)
Dorian (Paul) collection (D7)
Dorotheum (Vienna) collection (D10)
Drüner Antiquariat (Stuttgart) collection (D12)
Dümling (Albrecht) collection (D9)
Duisburg Internationales Musikfestival collection (D8)
Dvorak (Charles) collection (D18

Eastman School of Music (Rochester) collection (E1)
Ebert (Carl) collection (E2)
Edinburgh International Festival collection (E10)
Eisenhut (Rachel) collection (E11)
Else Lasker-Schüler Archiv (Jerusalem) collection (E3)
Engelbrecht Lockwood (Judith) collection (E4)
Engelke (Hans) collection (E5)
Erasmushaus-Haus der Bücher (Basel) collection (E7)
Ernst Krenek Institut Privatstiftung (Krems) collection (E12)
Ernst-Schoenberg (Michel) collection (E9)
Evans (Joan) collection (E6)
Eybl (Martin) collection (E8)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) collection (F6)
Fiebig (Paul) collection (F1)
Fish (Richard) collection (F2)
Florida State University collection (F10)
Frederick (Kurt) collection (F3)
Frenzel (Rainer) collection (F8)
Friebes (Wolfgang) collection (F7)
Friedrich (Joachim-Carl) collection (F4)
Fritsch (Georg) Antiquariat collection (F11)
Fürstlich Fürstenbergisches Archiv (Donaueschingen) (F9
Fundació Caixa de Pensions (Barcelona) collection (F5)

Gaber (Harley) collection (G1)
Galerie Capitain (Köln) collection (G18)
Galerie Gerda Bassenge (Berlin) collection (G11)
Garbousova (Raya) collection (G2)
Gaumannmüller (Inge) collection (G16)
Geiringer (Bernice) collection (G10)
Gerhardy (Doris Anna) collection (G23)
Getty Research Institute (Los Angeles) collection (G15)
Giannini (Juri) collection (G21)
Gibbs (Christopher) collection (G3)
Gilbert (Pia) collection (G4)
Glinka State Museum of Musical Culture (St. Peterburg) collection (G19)
Goehr (Rudolf) collection (G5)
Golab (Maciej) collection (G17)
Goldberg (Albert) collection (G6)
Gradenwitz (Peter) collection (G14)
Greenbaum (Kyla) collection (G7)
Greissle (Arnold) collection (G13)
Greissle (Felix) collection (G8)
Groschedl (Viktor) collection (G20)
Gruenberg (Louis) collection (G9)
Guittart (Henk) collection (G22)

Halbich (Peter) collection (H20)
Halkione Antiquariat (Hamburg) collection (H12)
Hamilton (John) collection (H16)
Hanzlik (Robert) collection (H21)
Harpner (Stefan) collection (H15)
Harten (Hans-Christian) collection (H14)
Harvard (Cambridge) collection (H1)
Hassfurther Galerie (Wien) collection (H13)
Hauptverband des Österreichischen Buchhandles (Wien) collection (H22)
Hebrew Union College (H11)
Heim, Dieter (H18)
Henius-Klaiber (Carla) collection (H2)
Herreshoff (Andrea Castillo) collection (H3)
Heskes (Irene) collection (H4)
Hessischer Rundfunk (Frankfurt) collection (H5)
Heyworth (Peter) collection (H6)
Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien collection (H7)
Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Wien coll. (H8)  
Hochreither (Karl) Collection (H17)
Holy Names College (Oakland) collection (H9)
Hovey (Esther) collection (H10)
Hovey-Gold (Tamara) collection (H19)


Antiquriat Inlibris (Vienna) collection (I5)
Institut der Künste (Freiburg) collection (I6)
Institut für Zeitungsforschung (Dortmund) collection (I3)
Internationale Schönberg-Gesellschaft (Vienna) collection (I1)
Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt collection (I2)
Irino (Yoshiro) Institute of Music collection (I4

Jalowetz (Heinrich) collection (J1)
Jewish National and University Library (Jerusalem) collection (J2)
Johnson (Barrett) collection (J3)

Kagan (Susan) collection (K1)
Kahn (Frieda) collection (K17)
Kasper (Ottilie) collection (K23)
Keller (Alfred) collection (K2)
Kellermann (Josef) collection (K3)
Kelley (Dorothea Bestor) collection (K4)
Kirchner (Leon) collection (K5)
Klassik Stiftung Weimar collection (K27)
Klemperer (Lotte) collection (K6)
Knussen (Oliver) collection (K14)
Köstler (Eberhard) collection (K20)
Musikantiquariat Kohl (Stuttgart) collection (K26)
Kohler (Stephan) collection (K7)
Koldofsky (Adolph) collection (K8)
Kolisch (Lorna) collection (K22)
Kolisch (Maria) collection (K9)
Korngold Archiv (Hamburg) Collection (K28)
Kotte Autographs (Stuttgart) collection (K16)    
Kravitz (Ellen King) collection (K15)
Kreisler (Georg) collection (K19)
Krenek (Ernst) collection (K10)
Kretz (Hans) collection (K18)
Kronold (Edward) collection (K11)
Kuik Musikantiquariat (K24)
Kunsthalle Wien (Vienna) collection (K13)
Kunstuniversität Graz collection (K25)
Kupper (Roland) collection (K21)
Kwartin-Friedmann (Clara) collection (K12)

La Scala Autographs (Pennington) collection (L21)
Lambro (Phillip) collection (L1)
Landkammer (Gustav) collection (L27)
Langlie (Warren) collection (L26)
Lanzenberger (Engelbert) collection (L20)
Lateiner (Jacob) collection (L2)
Lazar (Moshe) collection (L17)
Lebow (Howard) collection (L3)
Lehner (Eugene) collection (L4)
Lehrmann (Phillip) collection (L5)
Leibowitz (René) collection (L6)
Lenin State Library of the USSR (Moscow) collection (L7)    
Leo Baeck Institute (New York) collection (L8)
Lesemann (Heidi) collection (L19)
Levant (Oscar) collection (L9)
Librairie Les Argonautes (Paris) collection (L25)
Library and Archives Canada (Ottawa) Collection (L24)
Library of Congress (Washington DC) collection (L10)
Lion Heart Autographs (New York) collection (L22)
Loebel (Kurt) collection (L11)
Löcker Antiquariat (Wien) collection (L23)
Lokau (Walter) collection (L15)
Long Beach Opera collection (L16)
Los Angeles Music Center Archives collection (L12)
Los Angeles Public Library collection (L13)
J & J Lubrano (Great Barrington, MA) collection (L18)
Luginbühl (Anita) collection (L14)

McBride (Jerry) collection (M10)
McCoy (Marilyn L.) collection (M14)
McGeary (Thomas) collection (M13)
Maegaard (Jan) collection (M1)
Mahler (Marina) collection (M2)
Malkin (Beatrice) collection (M3)
Marriott (Philip) collection (M21)
Meggett (Joan) collection (M4)
Michael Good (San Anselmo) collection (M9)
Mikl (Josef) collection (M19)
Miller (Elsa) collection (M20
Milley (Jane E.) collection (M23)
Moldenhauer (Hans) collection (M5)
Morton (Lawrence) collection (M6)
Moser (Josef) collection (M16)
Moskau-Berlin/Berlin-Moskau 1900-1950 collection (M11)
Münchner Stadtbibliothek (M18)
J.B. Muns (Berkeley) collection (M8)
Murison (Bruce) collection (M7)
Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris collection (M12)
The Manuscript Society (Beverly Hills) collection (M22)
Musikantiquariat Dr. Michael Raab (M17
Muxeneder (Therese) collection (M15)

Nash (Franzi Ascher) collection (N1)
National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa) collection (N12)
Nathan (Hans) collection (N2)
Nebehay (Ingo) collection (N3)
Neff (Severine) collection (N13)
Neighbour (Oliver) collection (N4)
Neutra (Dione) collection (N5)
Neutra (Raymond) collection (N14)
New York Public Library collection (N6)
Nicewonger (Harriet) collection (N7)
Niska (Maralin) collection (N9)
Nordlind (Christina) collection (N10)
Northwestern University (Evanston) collection (N8)
Novak (Rudolf) (N11)

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Vienna) collection (O1)
Österreichisches Theatermuseum (Vienna) collection (O2)
Österreichisches Staatsarchiv (Vienna) collection (O3)

Pasadena Historical Society collection (P1)
Patka (Markus) collection (P10)
Paul Sacher Stiftung (Basel) collection (P9)
Pavlik (Wilhelm) collection (P11)
Peabody Institute (Baltimore (P12)
Peckarsky (Milton) collection (P2)
Pepper James Rare Books Inc. (Santa Barbara) collection (P14)
C.F. Peters (New York) collection (P3)
Pettitt (Robert) collection (P4)
Pierpont Morgan Library (New York) collection (P5)
Pisk (Paul Amadeus) collection (P6)
Pizka (Hans) collection (P8)
Private (Basel) collection (P7)
Profiles in History (Calabasas) collection (P13)

Rainer (Arnulf) collection (R8)
Rathburn (Eldon) collection (R7)
Read (Vernon B.) collection (R10)
Max Reger Institut (Karlsruhe) collection (R9)
Reis Pequeno (Mercedes) collection (R1)
Ritterman (Irving) collection (R2)
Roo (Paul de) collection (R3)
Rosé (Maria) collection (R4)
Rosen (Judith) collection (R5)
RR Auction (Anherst, NH) collection (R11)
Rufer (Josef) collection (R6)

Salm (Peter) collection (S1)
Samml. Essl (Klosterneuburg) coll. (S50)
San Francisco Art Institute (S39)
Satz (David) Collection (S54)
Schäfer (Thomas) collection (S37)
Scherliess (Volker) collection (S43)
G. Schirmer (New York) collection (S2)
Schleeter (Ruth) collection (S36)
Kunstauktionshaus Schlosser (S58)
Schlüter (Wilhelm) collection (S60)
Schmid (Martha) collection (S47)
Axel Schmolt Autographen-Auktionen (Krefeld) collection (S57)
Schoenberg (Barbara) collection (S45)
Schoenberg (E. Randol) collection (S3)
Schoenberg (Gertrud) collection (S4)
Schoenberg (Lawrence A.) collection (S5)
Schoenberg (Ronald) collection (S46)
Schönberg-Ens. (The Hague) coll. (S6)
Schoenberg Nono (Nuria) collection (S7)
B. Schott's Söhne (Mainz) collection (S8)
Schubertiade Music CLL (Allston, MA) collection (S51)
Schulson Autographs (New Jersey) collection (S59)
Seligman (Misha) collection (S62)
Shoaf (R. Wayne) collection (S9)
Shriver (Henry Clay) collection (S38)
Sinestrari (Eugenio) collection) (S49)
Small (Arnold) collection (S10)
Smith (Joan Allen) collection (S11)
Snyder (Gerald) collection (S48
Sohr (Matthias) Collection (S52)
Soladay (Elizabeth) collection (S12)
Sonnleitner (Johann) collection (S13)
Sotheby's (London) coll. (S14)
South Bank Center (London) coll. (S15)
Spies (Claudio) collection (S16
Spiller (Carola) collection (S17)
Staatsbibl. Preuss. Kulturbes. coll. (S18)
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg (S44)
Stadtarchiv Darmstadt (S42)
Stadtarchiv Mannheim (S53)
Städtische Galerie (Munich) coll. (S19)
Standesamt Mödling collectio (S55)
Stanford University (Palo Alto) coll. (S20)
J.A. Stargardt (Marburg) coll. (S21)
Stein (Erwin) collection (S22)
Stein (Leonard) collection (S23)
Stein (Leonard) collection (II) (S23.2)
Steiner (Ena) collection (S24)
Stepanek Stelmo (Matilde) collection (S56)
Steuermann (Clara Silvers) coll. (S25)
Steuermann (Edward) collection (S26)
Stevens (Halsey) collection (S27)
Stiedry-Wagner (Erika) collection (S28)
Strang (Gerald) collection (S29)
Strauss Institut coll. (S41)
Strimple (Nick) collection (S30)
Stuckenschmidt (Hans Heinz) coll. (S31)
Stutschewsky (Joachim) coll. (S32)
Supan (Gertrud Susanna) coll. (S33)
Swaby Rice (Helen Bell) coll. (S61)
Swarowski (Hans) collection (S40)
Syracuse University collection (S34)
Szasz (Tibor) collection (S35)

Tel Aviv University collection (T1)
Tharrats (Joan) Collection (T8)
Theodore Front Musical Literature (Van Nuys) collection (T2)
Thomas-Mann-Archiv (Zurich) collection (T3)
Thorpe (Marion) Collection (T7)
Toldi (Julius) collection (T4)
Trueblood (Samuel E.) collection (T5)
Türcke (Berthold) collection (T6)

UNESCO collection (U19)
Unger (Wolfram) collection (U21)
Universal Edition (Vienna) collection (U1)
Universität der Künste (Berlin) collection, see Akademie der Künste (Berlin) collection
Universitätsbibliothek Kassel (U18)
University archives (Westport, CT) collection (U20)
University of California (Berkeley) collection (U2)
University of California (Los Angeles) collection (U3)
University of California (Riverside) collection (U4)
University of California (Santa Barbara) collection (U5)
University of Chicago collection (U6)
University of Georgia (Athens) collection (U7)
University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) collection (U8)
University of Missouri (Kansas City) collection (U9)
University of North Texas (Denton) collection (U10)
University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) collection (U11)
University of Pittsburgh collection (U12)
University of Southampton collection (U13)
University of Southern California (Los Angeles) collection (U14)
University of Texas (Austin) collection (U15)
University of Utah (Salt Lake City) collection (U16)
University of Western Ontario (London) collection (U17)

Valeri y Ferret (Eulalia) collection (V6)
van Rossum (Frans) collection (V1)
Varga (Tibor) collection (V7)
Verbeet (Günther) collection (V5)
J. Voerster (Stuttgart) collection (V2)
Vojtech (Ivan) collection (V3)
Vondenhoff (Eleonore) collection (V4)

Walker (Alan) collection (W1)
Warmann (Hans-Gerd) collection (W9)
Whitney (John H.) collection (W7)
Wiener Männergesangsverein (W11
Wiener Stadt- und Landesbibliothek collection (W3)
Wilhelm Hansen (Copenhagen) collection (W4)
Willem Mengelberg Archives (The Hague) collection (W5)
Willnauer (Franz) collection (W12)
Winterthur Stadtbibliothek collection (W6)
Wissenschaftszentrum Arnold Schönberg (W13)
Wuellner (Margarita J.) collection (W8)
Wuttke (Bernd) collection (W10)

Yale University (New Haven) collection (Y1)
Yanov-Yanovsky (Dimitri) collection (Y5)
Yee (Thomas) collection (Y2)
Yivo Institute for Jewish Research (New York) collection (Y3)
Yoell (John) collection (Y4)

Zipper (Herbert) collection (Z1)
Zukofsky (Paul) collection (Z2)