Aufnahmedatum: 1951 March 2
Dauer: 2:10
Beschreibung: Letter in English. On royalties.
Signatur: 101/R7
Publikationen: keine


[Die herausgehobenen Stellen fehlen auf der Aufnahme.]
Arnold Schoenberg
116 N. Rockingham Avenue
Los Angeles 2-4-
49, California
March 2, 1951

Edward B. Marks Music Corporation (Addresse, etc.)
RCA Building
Radio City
New York City, N.Y.

Attention Mr. George Goldberg

Dear Sir:

My request that you send me a royalty statement corresponds to our contract. Such a statement had already... (no, correction). This statement was already due a long time. I understand why you did not send it, because you are ashamed that you could not earn more money with music of mine than this which you communicate me by this statement.
(paragraph) Are you not aware that these songs have a German text and would be sung everywhere in Germany and everywhere where one sings music either German or English. You would be able to sell thousands of copies of each of them, because they are really very effective and everybody likes them who ever heard them.
(paragraph) I wonder whether your president, Mr. Greissle, does not realize that he owes more devotion to my work than he seems to give to it... (correction) to give it.
I am expecting that the Marks company will now act differently with my music. Why should this company not also earn some money with my music?
Sincerely yours,
Arnold Schoenberg